Toddler Diaries: Off to the Zoo!
Like all kids, our little one loves animals. Well, really I should say she likes looking at them from far away: once they get too close, she’s kicking and screaming. We took her to the zoo last year, but she was still too little, so she slept the entire time. Now she loves watching any show with animated animals. So I thought it would be beneficial for her to see what they really look like. She was able to recognize a couple of the animals, but most I had to compare to the characters she sees on the Disney Channel (zebra, cheetah, bear) which she was super excited to see. One she did recognize was an elephant, which we were lucky enough to see getting a bath. Right away she recognized the zebra from The Lion Guard on Disney Channel. They also had a contact yard with goats the kids get to pet and brush. This is where her attitude started to go downhill. Remember how I said she doesn’t like getting too close? ...