Toddler Diaries: Off to the Zoo!
Like all kids, our little one loves animals. Well, really I should say she likes looking
at them from far away: once they get too close, she’s kicking and
screaming. We took her to the zoo last
year, but she was still too little, so she slept the entire time. Now she loves watching any show with
animated animals. So I thought it would
be beneficial for her to see what they really look like.
She was able to recognize a couple of the animals, but most
I had to compare to the characters she sees on the Disney Channel (zebra,
cheetah, bear) which she was super excited to see. One she did recognize was an elephant, which
we were lucky enough to see getting a bath.
Right away she recognized the zebra from The Lion Guard on Disney Channel. |
They also had a contact yard with goats the kids get to pet
and brush. This is where her attitude
started to go downhill. Remember how I said she doesn’t like getting too close? Yeah, she was not impressed being that close
to the goats. My husband and I bent down
to pet them and she FREAKED OUT, yelling “no, no, no!” the whole time.
Then we took her to the river otter exhibit. There were
other kids there with stuffed otters from the gift shop. They were putting them up to the glass to get
the otter’s attention. The photo below was taken about a minute before their
tactic worked a little too well. The otter swam right up to the glass and SCARED THE ABSOLUTE CRAP OUT OF HER. We’re
talking she jumped, fell on her butt and cried.
Am I a bad mommy if I admit that I laughed? Come on, it was funny. You would have laughed,
I only wish I had gotten what happened next on video... |
Then we took her to the carousel. This was the last straw
for this kid’s mood. She loves going high on the swing at the playground, so
naturally I thought she’d enjoy it. Holy crap, was I wrong. She screamed bloody
murder, shaking, crying, the whole dramatic shebang.
Her mood only improved
slightly when we took her to the playground next door. At least she slept on
the drive home and felt infinitely better when we got back.
We'll definitely take her again next year, and hopefully she won't be such a scaredy cat.
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